I Am Suspicious Of Qi Group

Tanesha Prayitno
5 min readJul 9, 2021


Hey guys let me share about my experience with Qi Group. I personally think that I was almost scammed by them. I am genuinely confused about this company because there are mixed reviews online. So here is my own opinion of them

What is Qi Group?

So Qi group is a company that uses MLM (Multilevel Marketing). MLM itself is a system where you sell products to your friends or family and requiting them or other people to do the same thing.

So basically imagine you are the person at the top. You recruit 2 people, then each of them recruit two more. And those people will recruit more and so on. The more people you recruit the more money that you have.

Is Qi Group legit?

It is legit because it has many headquarters in various county and there’s one where I live. People do get money from working there and no shade for the workers. After all everyone have to find a way to pay their bills.

Is Qi Group A Scam?

I don’t think the company is a scam like the company pays their employee and they even have a charity. However I think the company is scamming people into giving them money. And makes their worker scam people into joining.

My experience

When I was approached by one of their member, they told me that I have to give them 9 million rupiah (equal to 600 US Dollars) first to get more information.

This for me is already a red flag. Because nowadays, if a company is promoting their service, they always offer a free trial. Like Youtube, SkillShare, Spotify and even coaching businesses have free trials

Trial on Youtube premium

And why do they have the guts to tell their customer to pay a lot of money? Like shouldn’t they have some common sense. Like maybe, just maybe asking people to pay first isn’t a great idea.

Like for me this is already unethical, and maybe other people thinks different so please tell me in the comment justifying paying 600 USD to get more information.

The second reason they asked me to give them money is that I can get 2 billion rupiah (137,492 USD) back in a year. I think when they told me that my brain short circuited.

Because how can I get a a hundred thousand dollars in a year by just giving them money?

Why this doesn’t make sense?

  • There’s no way I can make money that fast. Even in investing or cryptocurrency, I have to wait my shares to compound so I can get a lot of money
  • I can make a hundred thousand dollars in a year but for me it’s not ethical at all. Like if it’s legal or ethical, why aren’t more people is working in Qi Group?
  • The company has the gall to guaranteed this for me feel like giving me a false promise. Like there’s a catch

If I join them what work will I do?

If I join them, then I will work as a recruiter and recruit more into this business. Then I will get a commissions aka money from every sale from the people who I recruited.

The point is I saw the product that they were selling and for me it wasn’t worth. Like there was this one CD whose music can heal your body.

There is 2 things that is wrong with that statement. 1. Who uses CD now, most people use either Spotify or other streaming platform to listen to music? 2. How can listening makes you more healthy?

So in a nutshell. If I join I will selling bogus products while scamming 2 people to do the same thing. Also dooming those two people to find more people to join. So I also am stealing their hard earn money from the commission fee for every product that they sold or person they recruited.

The reason I am suspicious of them

I had to pay first

Maybe I’m stingy but there is no way I’m going to pay 9 million rupiah or 600 USD first. I admit the recruiter did offer me to pay it little by little, but still I don’t think the price should be that high to get more information

I mean for me if I want to “get more info” like example I want to learn more about SEO writing, I also try following a class in Udemy. And the price of an online class is way cheaper than the Qi Group’s fee.

My point is if the Qi Group genuinely cared for me to learn more about the company they shouldn’t charge that high. They should at least gave newcomers a free trial. What’s truly stopping them?

It sounded too good to be true

It is very manipulative. The person who wanted to recruit me told me that this was like passive income. I only had to work once aka recruit two more people then I am set for life.

Me trying to persuade my friends

This is such a lie, like there’s no guarantee that the 2 people who I recruit will be able to recruit more. What if they don’t succeed in finding more people to join the group?What if the two people who I recruited isn’t able to sell any products also?

What do I gain? Rather I just wasted 600 USD and no bonus commission. I would have a hard time to get that money back into my bank account. I also just scammed my friends into this business and they would have a hard time getting back the money that they spend.

Lots of people are admitting that this company is scam

For every 1 positive review of Qi Group, there’s 5 negative review saying that Qi Group is a scam and warning other people to join them.

There were also some videos in Youtube warning people to not join this company. And there was even a 15 minutes one explaining how Qi Group is scamming people

So what do you think that looks like for me?

Not only that my own local news channel also covered that Qnet, one of Qi Group’s sister company is a scam and people should stay away from it.

So far none of the Qi Group company has decline the warning video that people made in the internet. They haven’t made any statement. So until that happens, until proven otherwise, I think Qi Group is scamming people.

If you want to proven otherwise, write in the comments bellow.

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Tanesha Prayitno
Tanesha Prayitno

Written by Tanesha Prayitno

Hey! Call me Joline. Your friendly random stranger on the internet.

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