I Tried Youtube Subliminals For 30 Days
Subliminals recordings are audio recordings that are designed to change your subconscious mind on .What does this mean? It means that subliminal can change your mind and reprogram how you think.
It is related to manifestation, where if you believe it could happen then it will happen in reality. Subliminals help you to believe something is possible to change your reality.
How does it work? So you basically listened to one like “Grow Taller Subliminal” Hopefully, if you listened to it enough times, your mind start to believe it then it manifest into reality
The target audience for subliminal are teenage girls and that includes me, who is one of them. I found them in early June in Youtube and I was obsessed with them.
I tried listening to it, when I wake up, before I go to bed and when I sleep. I also replace my daily playlist with subliminals to make sure I get the result. I also used a subliminal booster too before and after listening to subliminals.
But here is what I found out from using subliminals for 30 days. On whether it really works or not. And my personal answer to the question “Is Subliminal Harmful?”
Why Did I Listen To Subliminal?
My Insecurity
The reason I listened to subliminal is because I’m insecure. As a teenage girl, it is honestly easy to be insecure with my looks. Comparing my looks with my friends or family who are prettier than me.
I’m not deprecating myself but this is honestly how I feel. Maybe because I’m still in my teens, my insecurity is at an all time high. Nevertheless, I still don’t like how I look.
I don’t like how my face is filled with acne marks, how my eyebrows are thin, and how my hair is frizzy all the time.
To Achieve My Goal
The second reason is so I can achieve my goal. So back then in July, I listened to “Get Rich Subliminal” because I was desperate for money.
I also listen to the one about attracting wealth and also to have extreme luck and many more. I see listening to subliminal as a getaway to get my goals fulfilled
At that time, I wasn’t happy with my life. I was so exhausted that I got rejected by my part time job. Worried about my financial situation. So I decided to give subliminal a chance.
Does It Work?
If you type subliminal in google search, you will encounter “does subliminal work”. This is very debatable because to some people it works and to others it doesn’t.
For me personally, it didn’t work. None of my subliminal I used worked at all even though I tried every method listening to it. From meditating to it, listening to subliminals all day and even making my own.
But it makes sense why it doesn’t work. How can you achieve your goals by just listening to it? That’s not how things works here in the world
And even if subliminal does encourage you to do more work either to help you lose weight, what happens if you stop? Do you suddenly become unmotivated? Do you stop getting what you want?
Is it Harmful?
For me personally, it depends on how you use it. I think it was harmful for me when I used it to change my appearance. I was desperate to get the perfect face.
It also gave me anxiety because I’m constantly reminding myself to listen to subliminal to get what I want. If I stop then surely then I won’t achieve anything.
Subliminals itself isn’t harmful but I’m saddened by the fact that it targets people’s insecurity , especially teenagers. Which is why it is still popular because people are still searching for them.
Sure if you use it to lose weight or to improve your eyesight, it is for a better cause. But there’s no actual proof that it works. Even if it works, I think this is because of the placebo effect.
I don’t like how teens and people are depending on subliminals rather than on themselves. So for anyone who are obsessed with subliminals, here’s a question you can ask yourself
“Why am I desperate to get the result that I want?”
I hope you all stay critical and stay safe. Give a clap if you like this video.
That’s all for me guys, give a clap if you enjoy and stay safe everyone.
Twitter: @tanesha_jolinep
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